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Centre for the Study of the International Relations of the Middle East and North Africa



Ali Sonay finished his PhD in 2016 in the Department of Middle Eastern Politics at the Center of Near and Middle Eastern Studies (CNMS) at Philipps-University Marburg. Since July 2011, he had been a research fellow for the Department for Arabic Studies at the CNMS, and since October 2013 for the research network ‘Re-Configurations. History, Remembrance and Transformation Processes in the Middle East and North Africa’ founded by the Philipps-University Marburg with funding from the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research.

The PhD thesis analyses the politics of the Egyptian April 6th Youth Movement as an opposition group existing since 2008. It is argued that in order to understand the movement’s discursive context, political and socioeconomic globalization processes have to be taken into account.

His main research interests comprise the examination of social movement dynamics as well as political and socioeconomic implications of globalization in the Middle East and North Africa, and contemporary trends of political thought. 

At CIRMENA he analyses the development of the radio landscape in Turkey and Morocco. 

Dr Ali  Sonay
Not available for consultancy

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