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Centre for the Study of the International Relations of the Middle East and North Africa


'Media in Political Transition: Focus on Tunisia' Research Publishes Findings in The Journal of North African Studies.

Following a year-long research project and a successful conference in July 2014, the joint project between the University of Cambridge and Al Jazeera Center for Studies publishes a series of articles in The Journal of North African Studies (Volume 19, Issue 5, Dec 2014).

Roxane Farmanfarmaian


Media in Political Transition: focus on Tunisia - Roxane Farmanfarmaian

Professor George Joffé


Government–media relations in Tunisia: a paradigm shift in the culture of governance? - George Joffé

Dr Alexis Artaud de la Ferrière


The scissors and the magnifying glass: Internet governance in the 

transitional Tunisian context - Alexis Artaud de la Ferrière & Narseo

Narseo Vallina RodriguezVallina-Rodriguez



Roxane FarmanfarmaianWhat is private, what is public, and who exercises media power in Tunisia? A hybrid-functional perspective on Tunisia's media sector - Roxane Farmanfarmaian


Samar Samir Mezghanni

Reinforcing citizenship through civil society and media partnerships: the case of community radios - Samar Samir Mezghanni


Zoe Petkanas


Negotiating identity: gender and Tunisian talk shows - Zoe Petkanas


Kayla BransonIslamist cyber-activism: contesting the message, redefining the public - Kayla Branson


For information on the Arabic translation produced by the Al Jazeera Centre for Studies, follow this link

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